Featured Location

Bendigo - Epsom, VIC


Epsom - Bendigo

We have identified Bendigo as our target location in Regional Victoria and sourced excellent terms on an exceptional site in the Bendigo Region.

Key Stats

Bendigo Highlights

  • Bendigo is the second largest in-land city in Victoria boasting a population of 116,390
  • Population is expected to grow by 42.06% over the next 25 Years
  • Extremely high proportion of children under 9 years old with 12.3% of the population aged between 0-9

Bendigo Region

The property is situated in a new site development in Epsom.

Commercial Kitchen

Our store fit-out includes a commercial kitchen with the latest appliances to ensure reliability and work-flow on those busy weekends and School Holiday periods

Themed Party Rooms

Each of our stores have a minimum of 5 party rooms including our Disco Room and Baking Room.

We bake on-site everyday

We freshly bake muffins each morning in store every day along with a variety of Wraps, Turkish Breads, Sweet and Savoury items.

Loyalty Program

Mr Croc's Club

With over 130,000 members our Mr Croc's Club is a popular platform in Marketing, Retaining Loyalty and attracting new customers to stores.

Playground Design

  1. Playground Concept 1
  2. Playground Concept 2
  3. Playground Concept 3
  4. Playground Concept 4
  5. Playground Concept 5

Included in the malaga location

We partnered with Muffin Break in 2015 to deliver 2 great brands within a single franchise


Cold Drinks





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